What's GellyBall? It's all the fun of paintball but without stains or bruises. GellyBall blasters launch water-gel orbs that break apart on impact.
You provide up to 20 people; we provide a private field, two ammo canisters per player, protective eyewear, and a variety of games to fill your 1-hour party. In addition to play time, expect to spend 30 minutes on either side for preparation and party time - this creates a 2-hour total experience.
Play till the sun sets
Our GellyBalls are most visible during the day making it easier to run around and having a blast. Later in the evenings you'll enjoy cooler temperatures and less crowds. Look for last ticket availability when booking.
Keep reading for more info. All of the following topics are covered below.
Your group will check in at the office. Our staff will verify waivers and print tickets then direct you to the GellyBall staging area.
At your designated start time, our GellyBall operator will brief all players on how to use the GellyBall equipment and the rules of particular mission. Then it's time to play! Players will play various missions throughout the hour. Each mission takes 5-10 minutes.
We offer a selection of water, sports drinks, sodas, chips, other snacks, and candy for purchase in our on-site store. Be sure to stop by if you feel like a snack or drink.
We offer a variety of Good Humor ice cream products. Available for pre-purchase as an add-on or purchase on-site.
April - October only
Remember the experience with High Trek shirts, hoodies, buffs, stickers, and more! Available in our on-site store.
Wear clothes that are comfortable and appropriate for the weather. Our battlefield is outside.
Keep the following dress requirements in mind:
Our new indoor location is 3 miles from High Trek Adventures and is located across the street from the Everett Mall near Walmart. You can enjoy the same great laser tag equipment you will find at our outdoor field with in a slightly more climate-controlled environment. Our indoor venue is more geared towards ages 10+ and will have Axe Throwing, Laser Tag, Multi-Player Virtual Reality, SlingPutt, and adult beverages.